Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Laravel Auth package/module installation and configuration

Usually, in all other MVC frameworks, we do not have an authentication module or any package available. But luckily laravel offer authentication functionality of the package. Which save allot of time
and it is quite useful to use.

Step 1: Install Laravel

Before you dive into the installation of the Laravel Auth package, ensure you have Laravel installed on your system. If not, you can install it by running the following command in your terminal:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel yourProjectName

Step 2: Install Laravel UI

Laravel UI is a separate package that provides the UI essentials for your authentication system. Install it using Composer with the following command:

composer require laravel/ui

Step 3: Generate Auth Scaffolding

Once Laravel UI is installed, you can easily generate the auth scaffolding by running one of the following commands, depending on your preference for the front-end:

For Bootstrap 
php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

Step 4: Migrate the Database

php artisan migrate 

After running the migration all database tables will get created. Moreover all login, register
routes will be available for use

Navigate your browser to

For further details see  Auth Facade

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