Sunday, 5 December 2021

Laravel Call to undefined function App\str_random()

 Laravel is unable to find the method str_random.


Call to undefined function App\str_random()

Call to undefined function App\\Models\\str_random()


In the newer laravel version, laravel helpers have been moved to different namespaces.

and these helpers are separated in a package.


To use these helpers we need to install a package using the following command.

composer require laravel/helpers

Old helpers will be installed and we can easily use them without any trouble.

Alternative solution:

In case you don't want to use any package for these older Laravel helpers then simply 

use these namespaces at the top of your file.


use Illuminate\Support\Arr classes.

user Illuminate\Support\Str

update newly defined methods for example 


clear the views using the following command

php artisan view:clear

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