Saturday, 28 January 2023

Laravel Rest API Localization

We can easily do Laravel rest api localization with the help of middleware,

with the help of API translation, we can translate all API responses into different international


1 - Creating Language Middleware

For example:

We will create ApiLocalization Middleware.

Run the Artisan command to generate the middle.

php artisan make:middleware ApiLocalization

After running the above command in Laravel Artisan a new middleware will be created under

path: your_project_folder\app\http\middleware.

We need to update the ApiLocalization middleware which will check the

X-localization in the request.

$local = ($request->hasHeader('X-localization')) ? $request->header('X-localization') : 'en';

After checking the required header in the request, it will then set the local


This is how we can switch between different languages in laravel using middleware.

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