Friday, 20 August 2021

How to Debug SQL Queries in Laravel

Debugging SQL queries in complex Laravel projects can be challenging sometimes. We can debug database queries in Laravel by following different methods and techniques.

1. Dump and Die dd() function

dd() function will stop execution and display information. It is used to display the SQL query results.

For example:$p = DB::table('products_data')->get();



The above queries will dump and die the SQL query results.

2. dump() function

dump function displays debug information and continues execution.

For example:


3. toSql() method 

We can use toSql() method in any eloquent query in Laravel with the help of this method
we can get SQL raw query very easily without executing it.

For Example:
$q = DB::table('orders')->where('status', 'active');
$sql = $q->toSql();

This will result in an SQL query in a string form.

4. DB::raw() for Complex Queries

if you want to use direct SQL queries in Laravel then you can use DB::raw.

For example: 
$q = DB::raw('SELECT * FROM users WHERE status = ?', ['active']);

By using DB::raw query you can directly pinpoint the exact cause of the error immediately.

These SQL debugging techniques help you save a lot of time in fixing the SQL query issues and
pinpointing the exact issue.Also, these will make sure all queries are executed and generated properly without issue.

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