Friday, 13 August 2021

Laravel session driver file or database

 Laravel Session Driver database

To use the session driver database we need to make the following changes.

Updated .env file as follows:


Make sure session_driver is set  config/session.php

'driver' => env('SESSION_DRIVER', 'database'),

Now run the command and create a session migration  

php artisan session:table

The above command will create a migration of the session table.

 To create a session table we need to run the laravel artisan command. 

php artisan migrate

You will see the session table structure something

create table sessions


  id varchar(255) not null,

  user_id int(10) unsigned null,

  ip_address varchar(45) null,

  user_agent text null,

  payload text not null,

  last_activity int not null,

  constraint sessions_id_unique

  unique (id)


If all goes well then laravel sessions will be stored in the database session table. 

Laravel Session Driver File

We need to update the session drive in .env to file 


That is all we need to do if we want to use the file as a session driver file. 

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