Laravel Session Driver database
To use the session driver database we need to make the following changes.
Updated .env file as follows:
Make sure session_driver is set config/session.php
'driver' => env('SESSION_DRIVER', 'database'),
Now run the command and create a session migration
php artisan session:table
The above command will create a migration of the session table.
To create a session table we need to run the laravel artisan command.
php artisan migrate
You will see the session table structure something
create table sessions
id varchar(255) not null,
user_id int(10) unsigned null,
ip_address varchar(45) null,
user_agent text null,
payload text not null,
last_activity int not null,
constraint sessions_id_unique
unique (id)
If all goes well then laravel sessions will be stored in the database session table.
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